Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Audience Theory 2 - blog tasks

Audience Theory 2

Theory questions

1.)  Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence?

Media has a lot of influence and responsibility for different violent acts. Media gives a lot of information on different activities of violence, anti-social behaviour and more, it gives the audience an incentive and motivation (depending on the topic) to react these violent events. They use media to tell others and make events like protests, cancel culture... so I would say media has a heavy impact on violent events and anti-social behaviour.,

2.) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples.

Social learning theory happens every day without us even knowing. It shapes our lives in a big way and guides us to what we want to be. An example is like a watching a video of a person playing video games and then doing it yourself does add some sort of influence to the young people.

3.) Research three examples of moral panic from the last 50 years. To what extent was the media responsible for these moral panics? Was the concern in society justified? How have things changed as a result of these moral panics?


Ever since the covid outbreak the media has been talking about it non-stop. The media treated as if it as the end of the world but in truth it's not to take it that serious. They manipulate the topic to make the audience scared and start a world wide panic.


Another example of media manipulation is trump in general. Trump by the media was viewed as a racist , unqualified leader. If you put on CNN right now 90% is going to be trump. The media made him look really bad and when he was elected president, all of the protests which started due to that i feel like media has a lot of responsibility.

4.) Read this introduction to an academic paper on technopanics. What examples are given of technopanics that create fear in society? If the link is blocked in school, you can access the text here.

Cybersecurity, Child safety, Digital Privacy...

5.) Do you think the internet should be regulated? Should the government try and control what we can access online?

No, Regulating the internet will upset a lot of people because some people use the internet to let out important issues around the world or use the internet as their work. Regulating the internet will cause a lot of problems since there are so many users and regulating will be an impossible job to do.

6.) Apply Gerbner's cultivation theory to new and digital media. Is the internet creating a fearful population? Are we becoming desensitised to online threats, trolling and abuse? Is heavy internet use something we should be worried about in society? Write a paragraph discussing these ideas.

I agree with this theory. Digital media like tv-shows, films etc.. if watched in a early stage of life could really impact on the way we talk, our personality, what kind of interest. This includes with the internet. I believe that the internet does inject information into our minds that can cause long term effects. But when watching violence and gore in the internet, if watched during early stages of life it could really send trauma and have a very bad long lasting effect.

Media fact sheet - The Effects Debate

1) Complete the questions in the first activity box (beginning with 'Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?')

2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?

  • Direct Effects Theories
  • Diffusion Theories
  • Indirect Effects Theories 
  • The Pluralist Approach

3) What are the examples provided for the hypodermic needle theory - where media texts have been blamed for certain events? 

  • Marilyn Manson was blamed at for the 1999 Columbine High school shooting.
  • The movie child's play was influenced by the murder of Jamie Bulger

4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre? You may need to research this online in addition to the information on the factsheet.

5) What are the reasons listed on the factsheet to possibly explain the Columbine High School massacre?

6) How does the factsheet describe Gerbner's Cultivation theory?

7) What does the factsheet suggest about action films and the values and ideologies that are reinforced with regards to violence?

8) What criticisms of direct effect theories are suggested in the factsheet?

9) Why might the 1970s sitcom Love Thy Neighbour be considered so controversial today? What does this tell us about Reception theory and how audiences create meanings?

10) What examples are provided for Hall's theory of preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Audience Theory 1

 Hypodermic model:

1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

This article talks about the long term effects of playing violent video games. It mentions that it influences people to becomes more violent because they are watching violent acts on their tv screens. The hypodermic needle model is used for this article because the article believes that it injects violent thoughts into peoples mind from just playing violent video games.

2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page?

The audience might criticise this because they feel like the Daily Mail sort of mends and manipulates the main topic into something worse. The Daily Mail influences the audience to believe that violent video games affect young children and 'injects' violence thoughts into their head. Which is simply not true and can be criticized for that.

3) Do you agree with the hypodermic needle model? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media?

I disagree with the hypodermic theory. I refuse to believe that the audience accepts everything that they see in the media. The hypodermic theory is a way to analyse some media content but use it in a real-life situation or analysis is wrong.

Two-step flow model:

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

The two-step flow theory is still relevant today and again like the hypodermic theory we see it every-day. A clear example for us when we see trump supporters agree with everything that Trump says, for example, they agree with putting anti-bac inside their blood-stream to stop the covid or thinking that the election is a fraud.

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?

As we can see this YouTuber has a lot of subscribers. Meaning a lot of people what this youtube to get information and another form of entertainment. The main videos from this YouTuber are review videos for different makeup packages. His subscribers get influenced by his reviews so if he reviews on makeup package and says it's terrible, a huge chunk of people will get influenced by this and avoid that make a package, and vice versa if he talks highly about another makeup package.

3) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?

The article is about a young filmmaker names Jamal Edwards. In the article, the heavenly express a quote which a lot of other celebrities follow as well. He follows a quote which means that if you work hard and achieve your goals, you can do anything. Since this was early 2010 and media was on the rise a lot of people followed this young filmmaker as he rises up the ranks of the film industry. He made a huge impact on digital media which inspires a lot of people to shit their lifestyles into his because he relates to a lot of people.

Uses and Gratifications theory:

1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text (e.g. film, TV programme, newspaper etc.) that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points.


Minecraft. Minecraft is a sandbox game which the players to make anything using blocks and tools. The game allows creativity to build big buildings, playing with friends and fighting through different monsters and also other players. This game allows your mind to wander off the endless possibility and neutralizing all other problems and stress.

Personal Relationships: 

17(2018). 17 is a Norwegian drama series following the lives of a low-class student living through life as he experiences challenges from school, friends and relationships, illegal business and serious matter. We follow these lives as we are seeing from the point of view. We grow an attachment to them because we feel as we progress through the series of different problems we face.

Personal Identity: 

Men's/Womens Fitness is an informative magazine that teaches and shows the audience about different fitness tutorials, techniques, news and more. It also explores different celebrities lifestyle and routine. The magazine heavenly focuses on these topics and allows the audience to watch what kind of celebrities routines and experiences they go through make the audience sort of dream and choose what they want to be in the future.


Rich dad, poor dad is a book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. The book teaches the audience about financial literacy and financial independent. It helps the audience to make money through investments and different techniques used to make money through different investments technique.

Dependency theory:

1) Do you agree that audiences have become dependent on the media? What evidence or examples can you provide to support your view?

As technology grew so has the has society as well. I believe that we rely on media for every day uses. Some examples checking on news and information, sending videos where everyone can see you, talking and socializing with communities. 20 years ago this would have never happened and believe now we use it every day.

2) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem?

It has heavenly impacted the way society has viewed media. Media now is accessible with everyone unlike before. Media is a weapon used by companies to spread good or bad thoughts to society. The technology in media has made it so addictive that everyone relies on their phones to get through the day. So big companies use ways of manipulation the audience to think a sort of way. I would say the more we spend on different media content, the more we destroy our mentality and our well being.

3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?

The way I use media I believe has shaped the life I want to have. I sort of start doing different things and making new habits from media to shape the way I want my life to be. I feel like media has made me a better person but I believe also that It could destroy my life if I wanted to.

Audience Theory - w.c. 22.11.20

Audience Theory 2

 1. (Slide 4) Put last week's audience theories in a 1-4 rank.

1 - Dependency Theory

2 - Two-step flow model

3 - The hypodermic needle model

4 - Uses & Gratifications theory (Blumler & Katz)

2. (Slide 9) Put the statements on social learning theory in a 1-10 rank, based on which ones you agree with/disagree with most.


10 = AGREE

1 - Taking out your aggression on videogames such as Call of Duty or GTA means you are less likely to commit violent acts in real life

2 - Primary school children shouldn’t be playing ultra-realistic violent videogames due to the psychological effects on their developing minds

3 - The real people in our life (friends, family) will always have far more influence over us than something we see on the internet

4 - People who commit horrendous crimes such as gun massacres would be violent regardless of the media they consume

5 - Audiences are more intelligent and less easily led than Bandura’s social learning theory suggests

6 - Small children spend too much time on YouTube

7 - Social learning theory demonstrates why age restrictions on media products are so important

8 - Social media and screen time means young people are spending less time drinking or taking drugs – so the positive influence of digital media outweighs any negative effects

9 - Trying to restrict media products from certain audiences is impossible in the digital age

10 - As digital media consumption has grown in the last 20 years, violent crime has fallen – which suggests the media isn’t the catalyst for violence in society

3. (Slide 9) Write a paragraph each for numbers 1/2/3 at the top of your list, explaining WHY you agree with each of them and provide evidence/examples to back up your views.

It has been proven many times by credible sources that different type media either dont or influence so little that it's not noticeable. As technology rises digital media grows stronger making it so easy to reach for the audience. Digital media helps people to stray away from crimes or even stop because of digital media helping the audience. Basically helping the audience to stay home and have other thoughts and shape their lives in a good way or sometimes a bad way.

4. (Slide 9) Write a paragraph number 10 at the bottom of your list, explaining WHY you disagree with the statement and provide evidence/examples to back up your view.

I choose this because I believe that playing violent video games like COD and GTA helps relieve some stress we go through on our everyday lives. This is what video games is mainly about. We bottle up a lot of aggression, where ever the aggression came from video games helps to neutralize it. And this is what video games soul purpose is. Playing with friends online, socializing, getting into competitive and just wasting time and having fun.

Learner Response: Half-term assesment

 Learner Response



Some confidence writing, using a range media terminology.


Better focus on the questions especially the keywords and more developed answers


From reading the mark scheme I have noticed a streak of mistakes and bad patterns. For question 1 and 2 for example I need to go in more detail about the similarities between the two extracts and show clearly the main difference about different factors (background, message, prop, pose, actor)

On question 3 I didn't include a lot of theorists and their theory. I haven't really talked about Neale “repetition and difference” or Abercrombie “television producers set out to exploit genre conventions economic sense, Genres permit the creation and maintenance of a loyal audience.”

On question 4 For question 3 I felt like i did almost the same mistake as question 1 and 2. I didn't go in to much detail about important aspects that I needed to write about. From the pattern of mistakes it looks like I make more mistakes as I progress. This is probably due to poor time management which will be improved for the next assessment.


From reading the exemplar response i have realised some mistakes I could have improve on. One mistake I often come upon is that I don't go enough detail of what I want to say. It shows that I have a understanding about it but don't express it enough. For example I could have given more attention to different theorists, or make my messages clear and easy understandable when giving my own meanings and analysis. Next time I need to improve on my theoretical framework and show that I have a good understanding


I didn't get a lot of the theories (that i mentioned) wrong. I believe mainly the problem is that I haven't mentioned enough theorists or terminology. I could have talked about Abercrombie and Neale theory, could have explain more in detail using different MIGRAIN keywords and also help my explanation with using Barthe's Enigma and action codes.


The question where I had the weakest answer and low marks for was the last question with 20 marks. If I had to rewrite it this would be my plan

I would first start out with writing my first judgement when looking at the magazine cover. I would go in detail what the magazine show to the audience and what kind message it gives as well. I would then go in detail about different dominant readings. I will be analysing the positive and main messages it gives using the two-step flow theory and going into detail about the message it has on the front cover for example ("We dare you to disagree") or the main actor, Miguel and also write about uses of endorsement of hip-hop, celebrity culture, fashion and politics.

When it comes to the negotiated meaning I will show that I understand the main meaning and explain my own meanings that will adopt to the dominant meaning. I will explain that the negotiated reading will go in detail about Miguel lifestyle, about the 'sex, drugs and R&B". I will explain how the audience could adopt their own meaning to this as this is a controversial topic.

For the negotiated reading is where I will put my full focus on and make sure this is the detailed section of the assessment because the magazine has a lot of controversial topics...

Audience Theory 19.11.20

Audience Theory 19.11.20

1. At what age should you be able to play the following games and why? (slide 2)

Games like Kim Kardashion Hollywood, Legend of Zelda Links Awakening and Pokemon are games that fits the PG rating. Meaning any age is allowed due to the parental guidance free nature of these games meaning its not bad for young children to play these games. But in the other hand with the games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Red Dead Redemption II, these games earn 18+ rating due to all the gore, blood and un-humanly nature of these games.

2. How might the hypodermic theory still be relevant today? (slide 6)

The hyperdermic theory is still relevant today because we see this in our everyday lives. We see this with TV news television spreading fake news or Vaccinnes being bad for the health even though its proven wrong. It affects our every-day lives and sometimes has serious consequences with us even knowing.

3. What is the problem with the hypodermic needle theory? (slide 6)

The problem with the hypordemic needle is that the theory see's the audience as a passive, submissive audience. Meaning they see the audience to accept every piece of media content that is out there.

4. Is the two-step flow theory still relevant today ?Give examples. (slide 8)

The two-step flow theory is still relevant today and again like the hypodermic theory we see it every-day. A clear example for is when we see trump supporters agree with everything that trump says, for example they agree with putting anti-bac inside their blood-stream to stop the covid or thinking that the election is a fraud.

5. Complete the chart on slide 10: WHY do we use the media?

EastEnders - Learn and get's to experience the lifestyle of the working class in east London

Marvel Film - Get entertained and inspired with a good action hero story

John Lewis Christmas Advert - Motivation and knowledge about going to John Lewis and getting something for christmas

Talksport Radio - Knowledge and information about different sports

Love Island - The experience of living a life in a island

6. Complete the Uses & Gratifications example grid on slide 14.


Diversion - Ready Player one

Personal Relationship - Suits

Personal Identity - High Score

Surveillance - BBC News

Other broadcasts:

Diversion - F12020

Personal Relationships - Dating Simulator

Personal Identity - Political podcasts

Surveillance - BBC radio


Diversion - Entertainment Weekly

Personal Relationships - VIBE

Personal Identity - Teen Vogue

Surveillance - Auto Express

Online & Social Media:

Diversion - TikTok

Personal Relationships - Instagram

Personal Identity - Facebook

Surveillance - Twitter

7. How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem? (slide 16) / 8. Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on people’s health and wellbeing? Why? (slide 17)

It has heavenly impacted the way society has viewed media. Media now is accessible with everyone unlike before. Media is a weapon used by companies to spread good or bad thoughts to society. The technology in media has made it so addictive that everyone relies on their phones to get through the day. So big companies uses ways of manipulation the audience to think a sort of way. I would say the more we spend on different media content, the more we destroy our mentality and our well being.

Audience Classification blog task

 Partner: Ali

Psychographic group: Succeeders


Heterosexual Couple - Married


Name: George Ross

Occupation - Project Manger

Hobby's - Reading books and biography's, listen to audiobooks, watch 20th century movies, Endurance biking

Vechile - Mercedes Benz SLR Mclaren 2007


Name: Emilia Ross

Occupation - Doctor

Hobby's - Swimming, Yoga, Watch reality TV shows, read novels, likes to stroll to the internet

Vechile - 2020 Range Rover Evoque

Media Consumption:

Print - The Times, Fashion magazine, Mens/Womens health
Broadcast - Documentaries, Motivational Videos, Daily News radio, Formula 1 and 2 races.
Online - Owns Various apple products, Microsoft Surface as work a laptop.

Magazine Front Cover

  Research 1) Use Google to research potential magazines that you could use as your brand/design for this project. Create a shortlist of thr...